UFO's and Fireworks, Saucer Sighting on the 4th of July

It should be no surprise that many UFO reports are reported when there are fireworks going off, be they fireworks drones or any other aircraft. I myself have had a sighting i could not explain when fireworks were going off one time but i will save that for another story. We have to think about why UFO's show up at these times, i personally think it's to enjoy the show but it could also be them wondering what the heck we are doing and why we are shooting at the sky. Either way they do tend to show up during these events to check them out and this recent case seems to show just that. This saucer shaped craft comes out of Lucedale Mississippi on July 4th 2017. Nice catch! Mufon case #84862 

Sighting Details

I attended my local fireworks show last night, and began taking a few pictures with my mobile phone once the show started. i noticed nothing unusual until i got home and began uploading my photos to my tablet. upon observation, i noticed an unusual anomaly to the left of the fireworks display. it was a green, half-circle shape that appeared to be glowing. it was in all of the photos i took, but unfortunately i didn't take photos for the entire duration of the show. i also noticed once zoomed in that a second anomaly appears to be to the upper left of the very visible one. it was not in all of the photos, but just a few. someone suggested that it was a drone, but considering its size, i don't believe that's possible. especially when the second anomaly is also considered. judging by the photos in relativity to the parking lot lights, it was completely stationary. the second one possibly moved at some point, as it isn't visible in every photo i took.


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