Shape Shifting UFO in New Jersey on July 16, 2017

Shape Shifting UFO's have been seen before around the world. The only explanation for these anomalies is that it might be a balloon and as you can see it is hard to tell what it is or even how big it might be with no reference point. So to the witnesses it is a UFO, the UFO does give the appearance of an object or entity changing shape with what looks like pipes sticking out of it. Interesting catch. Mufon case # 85169  

Sighting Details

My brother and i were outside, when we noticed what we thought to be a star in the sky. it was a shiny speck. we both ran inside and grabbed my camera, which had a 250x zoom lense with 18 megapixels. we took 4 photos. we went back inside to look at the pictures, and in awe we realized they were shaped oddly and had pipes. it wasn't a star at all. thinking it was a ufo, we went back outside to take more pictures and it was already gone.



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