UFO Sighting With Hieroglyphic Inscriptions

Hieroglyphs were the formal writing system used by the Egyptians in Ancient Egypt. This is a rare and particularly important sighting because this type of craft has been seen before in other famous UFO cases such as The Rendlesham Forest Incident, The Kecksburg UFO case, The Socorro UFO case, and The Shaitan Mazar UFO Crash Retrieval case of 1991. The Egg shaped UFO has had a few run in's with Military and law enforcement personnel in the past but we can still only guess to who or what is flying these craft. One thing we can be sure of is that they have a language similar to the Ancient Egyptians style of writing. Photos taken on July 12, 2012 out of London, England & reported today. Very Nice catch! Mufon case # 84974 

Sighting Details

It was a hot summers day, and i was sitting in the garden, outside my building, when i noticed something shiny in the sky, i knew it was not type of airplane, because, i live under the flight path to two airport, gatwick to the south and heathrow heading to the north. i always take my camera and binoculars outside day or night. i took out my camera(old tz8) and zoomed in and started taking pics, i managed to get about 5/6 pic, when i looked at them, i was so so shocked at what i was looking at, i decided, i was not staying out side anymore. i had/ have a instagram page( its not in my real name), and later that evening i uploaded the pictures and told my followers, that i saw a ufo that evening. the ufo disappeared into the clouds and that was the last i saw of that one. the next day,i went back into my garden to do some reading,when i noticed, something red, in the sky,i took my camera out of my bag and started taking pics, i only managed to get one pic of this ufo, because it was moving so fast after seeing this ufo, i packed up and went inside, because i was getting scared. since then,its been hell. i now have ufos, coming over me and my building, every time i go outside to stargaze. i have pics and videos to prove what i'm saying is true, i also have witnesses who have seen ufo come and stop over me


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