Orb UFO Outside International Space Station on July 7, 2017

So many things are seen outside the windows of the International Space Station, ice particles, satellites, weather phenomena ect. It's when something is seen and the camera is switched off during the event due to technical difficulties that eye brows start to raise and it seems to happen a lot. Thanks to this witness and all others who view the ISS live feed, you never know what you might see. Good catch! Mufon case #84922 

Sighting Details

I have the nasa app on my phone. i was viewing the iss view live feed and i noticed this spot on my screen. i first thought it was just on my glass then checked and it wasn't. i got it as big as i could on my screen. i took a screen capture to see it larger. it looked like the station was getting closer and then the screen went black and it said there was technical difficulties. when it came back it was pointed somewhere else because it didn't show the same direction. i took a screen capture of that as well. it is rough looking. don't know what it was then as you can tell in the first pic it was a clear shot of earth. then i don't know what it was at that point. they show a map as to where the iss is to be positioned during the feed. just seemed strange it cut off as it moved closer to the sphere. may just be a satellite not sure. maybe you know what it is up there.


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