UFO Sighting in Palomar Mountain, California on May 26, 2017

Are Alien Visitors observing our observatories? It would seem so by the look of this saucer shaped UFO caught near an observation station by a couple of campers and it really is quite funny. All the time and effort put into building and using these observatories around the globe to search for signs of intelligent life in the cosmos and they seemingly come within a stones throw of them, ironic isn't it. Nice and comic worthy catch. Mufon case #84406 

Sighting Details

My boyfriend and i were hiking/camping at the palomar observatory campground and park. we visited the observatory and took some photos of it outside on may 26, 2017. after taken the photos upon looking closer it was told to me there was an unknown object in the photo. i then sent the photo to my mother and she told me to send this to you for investiation.


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