UFO Abduction in Johns Island, South Carolina

       Abductions still happen to this day, they never really stopped but there is so little evidence or details that they are hardly reported on and from case to case the stories don't really change or differ that much from other abduction reports. The 2 most common abduction reports are being taken from the abductees own home most of the time wile asleep in bed, the other is when the abductees are out in a secluded area camping hiking or doing other recreational activities. Also in most cases that we hear of they are returned to where or near where the abduction took place leading us to believe they only want to study us or need something from us. This recently reported abduction happened on August 13, 2016. If you or someone you know has had an abduction or UFO experience you can send a report to http://www.mufon.com/report-a-ufo.html or ICAR (International Center for Abduction Research) http://www.ufoabduction.com/ or you can e-mail me at ufoblogdaily@gmail.com - Mufon case #84562 

Sighting Details

There were 4 of us paddleboarding on the lake at around 2 am. a very bright light approached us on the shore and enveloped us. next thing we knew is we were all coming-to on the beach around 75 yards from where we were taken. our boards were still out in the lake, bizzarely enough. none of us were physically injured as far as we know. it did however and still does take a toll on our mental strength. i guess we are more so just happy we weren't taken forever. none of us remember the time that we were gone. we just remember coming back to consciousness on shore all pretty much at the same time. though some of us have more interesting recall of what happened, we all share the same experience.


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