Tracks Near Monolith on the Martian Moon of Phobos

When the story of the Monolith on Phobos came out there was a lot of interest in what it could be if anything partly due to the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey that depicts aliens putting a Monolith on Earth the Moon and Mars. Then Astronaut Buzz Aldrin had something to say about it, he said "We should visit the moon of Mars there is a Monolith, a very unusual structure on this object... when people find out about that they are going to say - Who put that there!?" Well by the tracks clearly seen next to the Monolith someone has visited it, the question is who? Then i remembered seeing what seem to be the same type of track sets being made by an unknown object observed moving across the Moon of Earth and i thought this could be the same object or vehicle that visited the Martian moon Phobos. Us or them, someone has been there. Image credits - Nasa/JPL


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