UFO Sighting in Cape Town, Western Cape on June 7, 2017

This saucer shaped UFO was caught within a fraction of a second cruising the south Africa landscape during a storm, lucky for this person the storm had a break in it and was able to catch this craft while taking pictures in succession. Good shot. Mufon case #84343

Sighting Details

I took advantage of a break in the storm which hit cape town on wednesday 7th july 2017, at approximately 13h15 and drove down to the beach road at blouberg strand to see what the effect of the storm was on the sea. i took two pictures in quick succession, trying to catch the wave as it broke over onto the pavement (in the first picture) and then the sea foam rushing into the road (in the second picture). i did not see any ufo with the naked eye. when reviewing the picture later, i noticed an unknown object in the second picture. in this picture, the grey "splotches" in the foreground are from dirty sea foam kicked up onto my windscreen from the car in front of me. if you look at the top left hand side of the picture in the clouds and zoom in - you will notice that the grey splotches fade out, but the object remains clear and solid. this object does not appear in the first picture i took a couple of seconds before. there were many, many people on the beachfront at the same time, all with their cameras. i am hoping that one or more of them were also able to capture this object. i have attached both pictures for your information.


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