The Second Face on Mars

When the first photos of the face on planet Mars were released to the public in 1976 from NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft it was an astonishing discovery and for awhile the hole world had thought the ultimate question to if we were alone in the universe had been answered. Yes we were not alone, there was finally proof that intelligent beings had at one point lived on Mars and build some amazing structures that could be seen from space letting whoever was looking know for a fact that there was once a civilization that lived on the red planet. There was even what seemed to be a city near the face as some have pointed out, complete with pyramid looking structures and buildings. Then the story was flipped around and world was told it was simply a trick of light and shadow. That there was no face on Mars it was just an illusion to the eye and once again we were alone in the universe. It is true that light and shadow can play tricks with the mind leading us to believe we see something even when it is nothing such as seeing shapes in the clouds or finding something that looks familiar in rocks and dirt.     It's always fun to see what looks like a character or animal shape in the clouds and to point it out to others to see if they can see what you see. When i had first seen the face on Mars i was captivated and wanted to know everything i could about the red planet, i still am. The first thing i did when i got the chance was print out the photo of the face on Mars and hung it on my wall next to my door in my bedroom by a few thumb tacks, not really secure on the wall it eventually fell to the floor by the air flow of me opening and shutting my bedroom door(it happened many times). One day i made a accidental discovery when the photo fell to the floor i noticed something very peculiar as i was looking at it upside down, there seemed what to me looked like another face but this face didn't look human. I hung the picture back up on my wall upside down and began showing my friends and family to see what their thoughts on this second face were, every single person i have ever shown agreed with me that it looked like another face although not a human one but one that had a resemblance to what we know as the Alien Grey's that are everywhere in today's media with a tear drop shaped head perhaps with a helmet on and showing part of the body with neck and shoulders. So i present this photo to the world again in a new light and perspective to let you draw your own conclusions, to see if you see what i see or if it is just another trick of light and shadow. It does make me wonder though if the artist/builders of this so called monument had this planned to make sure either way it was viewed you would see a face. I don't believe we are alone in this universe regardless.       - Eric Hood                                                                                                                All Image credits Nasa/JPL           


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