Mass UFO Sighting At Baseball Game In Myrtle Beach, South Carolina On June 2, 2017

This sighting is just amazing and blew my mind, i have seen fire balls come down from the sky before but nothing like this. This was no meteor and it truly looks like something out of a high budget movie, these objects or craft were for sure without a doubt under intelligent control. I can only imagine what everyone at the game must have been thinking, absolutely mind blowing and historic. Mufon case #84374 

Sighting Details

My husband and our 2 boys were at a pelicans baseball game in myrtle beach. he saw a weird fireball like light in the sky and watched it for a while and then started recording it. it then "dropped"/broke-off/dispersed into more lights/fireballs. they all hovered, then zig zagged then fell some. eventually lost sight behind trees. there was no sound that was noticeable.Lots of people in the stands were watching it so plenty of witnesses.


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