Strange Lights Over Los Angeles, California on May 15, 2017

This is one instance where the person just got lucky and got a nice shot of some strange lights that fit the description of UFO's. Good catch!

Sighting Basics

Case Number83778
Date of the Sighting2017-05-15 22:15
Date Submitted2017-05-16 17:10 (Reported Same Day)
Time ZoneAmerica/Los Angeles
SummaryLights appeared in pattern and disappeared suddenly
Tagsphoto lights

Sighting Location

CityLos Angeles
CoutntryUnited States

Sighting Details

I was walking out to my garage and noticed these strange lights in the sky. i ran inside to grab my phone and they had not moved when i returned. i captured a photo, and after sending it to a friend, i looked back up and they were gone. they did not fade gradually or drift off, they were simply there one moment and gone the next. i struggled to find an explanation for what it was, and still do. i'm also of a scientific mind and believe there is probably a logical explanation that does not involve aliens. i lost sight by simply looking away for a moment.


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