Black Triangle Sighting in Anaheim, California on June 14, 2016

The infamous Black Triangle has been making it's rounds, many reports of it all over the world with very few photos of it. This is a picture of the Black Triangle that was caught when the observer was taking a shot of the moon. Nice catch! I did enhance the light in the first photo to make the craft more visible. 

Sighting Basics

Case Number83988
Date of the Sighting2016-06-14 10:23
Date Submitted2017-05-26 02:29 (Reported 345 Days Later)
Time ZoneAmerica/Los Angeles
SummaryZoomed in to take picture of moon and this flew across my screen as i took the pic 

Sighting Details

I got a new phone so i went on my patio to take pictures. i took a picture of the moon being it was out while the sky was nice and blue and right after within 6 seconds i took another picture zoomed in on the moon and right as i took the picture i noticed an object in the picture and when i looked back to the sky it was gone. it was soo fast, i couldn't of captured this picture of the object if i tried. it looks to me as a black triangle with lights as bright as the moon in the daytime sky, probably 4-6 lights.


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